Thermal Screening Station

Thermal Screening Station
Thermal Screening Station 2020-05-18T21:34:19+00:00

Body Heat Alert System | Keep your Patrons Safe

Getting back to business amid COVID-19

Our Solution

Instant screening of Elevated Body Temperature (EBT). Allows first and quick screening of patrons without human interaction. No need to appoint a dedicated person to take body temperature. Safe for guards and patrons.

Suspicious people with EBT are flagged immediately and are subject to secondary screening with thermometer.

Allows safe and accurate measurement from six to eleven feet distance. Allows quick screening so it does not create a queue at the door, thus allowing you to get back to business quickly.

Key Features

Measuring from a distance (6 to 15 feet), Self contained alert sound, Monitor Indication, No Internet required, Privacy built in (no face capture), Proven Solution since 2003.

What’s Included?

Thermographic Camera, Camera Tri-pod Stand, Android PC or tablet, Computer Stand, Monitor (if not a tablet), all required software and accessories. No additional hardware needed.

What is Thermography?

Infrared thermographic is the science of detecting infrared energy emitted from an object, converting it to apparent temperature, and displaying the result as an infrared image.

Made in Israel

Manufactured by a global leader in cutting edge thermal and active imaging solutions for security, public safety, and defense.

Technical Specifications

Imager: 384 x 288 microbolometer Minimal Requirements: Android 8 and above Optics: 6.8mm lens (other lenses available) Zoom: continuous digital zoom using touchscreen Accuracy & Sensitivity: up to +/- 1° target temperature Focus: Manual 0.2m to ∞ Operating Temperature: 14°F to 122°F Updates: Periodic updates

Thermography In The Media

Thermal imaging cameras could play “critical role” in keeping people safe from COVID-19

Thermal imaging cameras are the latest devices businesses hope will help reopen the economy while keeping people safe from the threat of COVID-19. The cameras are used to scan temperature from a safe distance, and if a fever – a common coronavirus symptom – is detected, the company could require further screening or deny the person entry altogether.

Amazon using thermal cameras to detect Covid-19

Amazon has installed thermal cameras in its warehouses in the UK and around the world to screen workers for coronavirus symptoms. The cameras can help detect a fever by comparing a person’s body heat with that of their surroundings. The technology is faster than the close-range thermometers the company had previously relied on.